Tuesday, October 5, 2010

& Never Look Back

Weight! Unfortunately...in my case..weight has always been an issue. I would go through the typical yo-yo dieting and could be very skinny at one point and then very heavy in another. Not only does this put an immense amount of stress on my body, it also has a very detrimental affect on my spirit as a person. Now that I am older I have made an honest choice to no longer lose control of myself and my weight. Now that I am working on this goal I am the happiest I have ever been. It feel great to be in control and be healthy..so far I have lost 50lbs...sure I would like to loose more but I will take my time and enjoy myself while I get there... Here are a few before and afters....


BTW.... there is absolutely nothing wrong with being plus sized its more about being you but being healthy at the same time and making sure you stay active and keep your heart moving. ;)

xoxo, Cali.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome post!!! I can totally relate. My current and ongoing challenge. I too refuse to loose a pound if it's not done in a healthy fashion and i'm not in a rush to slim down for the exact reasons you mentioned. YOu Look great!!!
